A new chef for anthology

One of Explora’s onboard restaurants, Anthology, prides itself on offering fine dining experiences with that little something extra. This is achieved by having its menus curated by Michelin chefs from around the world.

The second chef to take the helm of Anthology is Swedish-born Emma Bengtsson.

Emma is the executive chef for the 2-Michelin star restaurant Aquavit in New York City. She is currently on board the ship in person to launch her Scandanavian influenced menu. She is sailing on Explora I for 9 days from Quebec City to New York City.

Emma didn’t seek out the glory of Michelin stardom, rather through her work in Sweden at a Michelin restaurant she found she excelled as a pastry chef. She continued this work at Operakällaren before being recruited to Aquavit in New York City. During her tenure under executive chef Marcus Jernmark the restaurant earned its first Michelin star. Its second star would come after Marcus’ departure and the role of executive chef fell to Emma, who initially only accepted the role temporarily.

Contrary to the clips of shouting celebrity chefs we are used to seeing, Emma runs her kitchen like a haven of quiet, respectful co-operation. You won’t hear a swear word in Emma’s kitchen – the result? The serenity is reflected in the food – an approach that aligns well with Explora’s Ocean State of Mind philosophy.




EXPLORA II hits the water - EXPLORA III Cuts steEl